Friday, February 20, 2009

23 Things About Me

I am taking speech class at a state college and have been assigned to do an informative speech on a topic of my choice. However, not having a topic in mind, the professor suggested that I could inform the audience about Aspergers and my experiences. I am worried about the self-disclosure part (I don't understand how I am to do this topic WITHOUT self-disclosing, which I am NOT supposed to do....according to some rule...) Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions about 3 main points about Aspergers I should do my speech on, I'd greatly appreciate any ideas!

I feel like rebelling today, so I am going to self disclose 23 things about me
1. I am 23
2. My favorite book is Crime and Punishment
3. I have had the same favorite color since I was 3. (I was reading the colors on the crayons and discovered a beautiful cerulean blue.
4. I love love love the X-Files and have a GIGANTIC X-Files memorabilia collection
5. My mother enrolled me in YMCA camp for six consecutive years for me to make friends. LOL
6. I have sensory sensitivities, especially to textures and noise...but certain noises that NT people might find horrendous don't even make me flinch?!
7. In pre-school none of the kids played with me...but I DID get first dibbs on the blocks!
8. Hopefully, this month, I will have earned my red belt in Taekwondo
9. Even now, I will only eat certain foods--of certain kinds--from certain stores
10. I have never been given a ticket while driving
11. My favorite activity to do is to play WOW
12. I have always had a fascination with office supplies and stores
13. I used to change the slide price tags around in stores so that they would be in sequence

and...the rest will be posted tomorrow. I need to go and rest, I am very annoyed by the contrast of this computer screen in the dark!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I am curious....did you make any friends while at the YMCA camp?