Saturday, March 21, 2009

Busy Busy Bee!

I haven't written in a while, but not for lack of want. I've been SO busy that I just want to wrap myself up in a blanket and go to sleep! If I could sleep... Currently I am dog sitting, baby-sitting, volunteering for the honor society at school, have one 3,000 word History essay to write, have one 1,500 word Biology essay to write, have another essay to write to earn some money through the contest, appointments with doctors, preparing my persuasive speech presentation, am running for officer of Fellowship at the schoo, Taekwondo,l...I haven't had any time to do my favorite things! My laptop has's been about a month of not playing WoW, and my printer quit working as well! I can't scrapbook now! I can't even print out any photos. I wish I had more alone time. I just need to pull myself together sometimes...It is almost like coming apart, but I find solace in sleeping under heavy blankets (or at least lots of layers of them), or tightening all the muscles in my legs and arms and then releasing them. I've done that since a baby and it somehow helps...I think it is isometric exercise? I have no clue. I have to find some other methods of relaxation too... I will try the note-pad you suggested though M! Thanks :)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

WOW you are BUSY BUSY BUSY!!!! You should feel tired! I get busy too sometimes but sometimes I get in a mood where I just don't feel like doing much of anything at all! I do not like it when I get that way....I am presently in a semi-mood like that. I am trying to push through it.

So you scrapbook? I have a ton of scrapbooking supplies and it all.....but...have yet to actually MAKE a scrapbook on anything with my photos. That is horrible. I did finally start Noah's baby book......